What is Tubox?
TUBOX is a termo composite recycled plastic sheet, recyclable and sustainable, manufactured with innovative technology.
It is flexible, waterproof, moldable and easy to handle, reducing the manpower and the final cost of your products.
Available in several combinations such as:
Palmitec Double 0.8mm
Palmitec Double 1.0mm
Palmitec Double 1.2mm
Palmitec Double 1.5mm
Available in sheets 1,40m X 1,00m
Palmitec 0.7mm + EVA 2mm
Palmitec 1.0mm + EVA 3mm
Palmitec 1.2mm + EVA 2mm
Palmitec 1.2mm + EVA 2.5mm
Palmitec 1.2mm + EVA 3mm
Palmitec 1.5mm + EVA 3mm
Palmitec 1.0 + 3mm + JACQUARD Beige
Palmitec 1.0 + 3mm + JACQUARD Grey
Palmitec 1.2 + 2mm + JACQUARD Black
Palmitec 1.5 + 2mm + ANTIMICRÓBIO Black
Palmitec 1.2 + 2mm + ANTIMICRÓBIO White
Among other custom combinations such as bonded with PU foam and other types of fabrics.
Available in sheets (1.40m x 1.25m) or rolls.
Available in sheets (1.40m x 1.25m) or rolls.
Tubox raw materials are plastics that are difficult to recycle, such as materials composed of more than one polymer and difficult to separate, generating little interest in the recycling market, and thus ending up in landfills.
It is the opposite from conventional recycling of single polymer plastics like PET bottles or other packaging products that are easy to process and recycle.
That means TUBOX is helping to prevent thousands of tons of garbage from ending up in the landfills.
Did you know?
Products using TUBOX helps giving new life to waste that would not be possible to recycle by any other way and that would end up in landfills.

What does it change for you?
A traditional footwear when gets wet, deforms its insole, because it is paperboard made, which crumbles and ends up marring completely. With TUBOX your insoles will have a much longer usage life, since it does not get wet, does not absorb sweat or moisture.
Sustainable for the wallet and the environment.
Restrited Substance List

Recyclable material

Available in sheets of various structures



Durable (replaces cardboard, resin board)

Less adhesive usage and faster application

Reduce manlabor

Better adhesion in the shoe´s strip

Thermo Moldable

Flexible (does not break)
Where to buy
Magma - São Paulo Store
Address: Av. Rangel Pestana, 1249 – Brás – CEP: 03001-001 – São Paulo/SP
Telephone: (55 11) 3326-1212
Fax: (55 11) 3313-1073
WhatsApp Store Sales 1: (55 11) 9 7184-4932
WhatsApp Store Sales 2: (55 11) 9 7101-3968
Email: vendasloja@magma.ind.br
Magma - Goiânia Store
Address: Av. Mato Grosso, 319 Qd 114-A Lt 12 Setor Campinas – CEP: 74513-040 – Goiânia/Goiás
Telephone: (55 62) 3233-1414
Fax: (55 62) 3233 2334
Email: goiania@magma.ind.br
Wholesale Sales – Trade Department
Address: Av. Rangel Pestana, 1249 – Brás – CEP: 010127-000 – São Paulo/SP
Telephone: (55 11) 3322-4444
Fax: (55 11) 3322-4447
WhatsApp Direct Sales: (55 11) 9 7349-4723
WhatsApp Direct Sales 2: (55 11) 9 7555-4537
WhatsApp Direct Sales 3: (55 11) 9 9260-1584
Email: contato@magmaind.com.br
Contact us
Doubts or suggestions, talk to our service and know everything you need.
+51 19 3881-4141
+51 19 3881-4141
The eureciclo seal guarantees that our brand invests in the development of the recycling chain, through the environmental compensation of our packaging.

The certification of the Witzler Esco Protocol for the Use of Renewable Energy and the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) ensures that the certified organization uses, in its production chain, energy from a renewable source and with low GHG emissions.
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